Thursday, May 13, 2010

Blogging... lots of projects

Okay so I have been ignoring my blog lately and that's because of our bad internet connection but I have been really productive and have been scrapping a lot! I've been tracking my progress scrapping and I was surprised when I checked how many I made in April - 14! That's a new record I think the max I've made is just about 10.

And then NSD happened! :)  I was actually able to join different challenges and on that same weekend, I think I made about 7 or so. For the first time in my life I was able to make 4 layouts in one sitting!!! Yeah baby! And so for the month of May, I have already made 10 layouts! I'm so proud of me! :) The bad thing is, I couldn't share the details of how I've made the pages anymore, I just can't keep up and I think I was too excited creating! :) 

Anyway, the pages I've been doing are pretty simple. I've been trying clean and simple LO's and am really lovin' it especially when I realized how much time I'm saving. So I've been trying different stuff lately. I am also trying to use a lot of my stash because I can't really buy much scrappy stuff anymore since I'm saving for our out of the country trips coming soon. So gotta save! save! save! That sounds really foreign to me...heehee

I was also in a coffee shop the other day waiting for Gio and I chose to grab the Women's Health magazine amongst all the fashion magazines on there.  And so it got me into thinking as I was reading it and realized I've been taking my health for granted.  I spend hours everyday scrapping, blog hopping and working but I don't really take the time to exercise which I badly badly need because we (Gio and I) love to eat a lot. So I really need to compensate for that since I know there is no chance we'll ever stop appreciating good food (nice way to call it isn't?).

So I started yesterday... I finally used my Timeworks machine again and am planning to do it everyday. As little as 15 mins everyday should help in my opinion rather than nothing at all. I also bought the Abs Diet for Woman which I've borrowed from a friend in the past and found helpful, so i thought investing on it could really help too.  It's not really a diet book but more of what foods are good, really good exercises on there and recipes to try too.  I really am crossing my fingers and will try my best at this daily exercise thing. I've gained about 20 lbs the last 2-3 years and I'm starting to feel like I'm not myself anymore. I've never been this heavy and fat in my entire life and I've started to feel heavy and I do know that my weight is really tying me down so I gotta change that. Pray for me please! :)

So here are the projects I've made the past two weeks, some for NSD, some for sketch challenges.

Here's one I've made for Scrapbookdeals NSD Challenge... Love that photo of Gio. And this photo was actually edited by my good friend LG. Thanks Girl! Love yah!
These are all October Afternoon pps. Love is so much!

Here's one more using OA pps

And I forgot there's one more! On this last one I actually used some of my stash like the K&Co die cut borders and some AC Thickers chipboard frame.

The next two layouts are made using Cosmo Cricket's Material Girl and Joyride Line. Had these since February I think but didn't really get a chance to use 'em all. 
The first one's using the cosmo sketch and the second's a sketch from Pencil Lines. 

And these are my first attempt at scrapping 8.5x11 LO's. I used up my old nook kit which features G45 Domestic Goddes papers.  Gotta try more of this soon coz I loved it! 

Loved that pinwheel! 

So you see, I wasn't really kidding when I said a lot on this post. Heehee
Thanks for looking! Hope you're all having a great week!



  1. Always nice graphics with white space or background papers! You're great at both.

  2. a whole lot of fabulousness here! love your style!



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