Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mom's Day & Winners

Words are not enough to describe the true value of a Mother, and most of all my Mom. For me, growing up without my father's presence (most of the time - because he works overseas) could have been a disaster. Without a father figure who is suppose to be the stronger one between parents, I could have ended up weak, shy and vulnerable but what happened is the exact opposite. And I will give the credit to none other than my Mom. What I am today, what I have become and what I have achieved is because of her... And she did not achieve this well deserved gratitude because she's a career woman I idolized (she's a stay at home mom), not because she's rich (because we barely had enough for the family), not because she gave everything that we wanted (most of the time, we don't get what we want) but simply because she showed us how much she loved us.  She's willing to sacrifice anything for us including her own happiness, she has a big heart for her family and nothing could be warmer, more special than love itself.  Because of this and more I love her so.

Of all the things she's influenced on me, if there's one I wish she didn't it would be the crying thing. :) I cry all the time, even when I'm so happy, that still makes me cry.  Sometimes I feel it's not good because I'm just oo emotional but sometimes I am glad too because it has become my way of releasing my bad feelings and it keeps me emotionally healthy if you know what I mean. :)

I missed her today because she went home to the province last Thursday so we couldn't celebrate. But she is in my hear no matter where she is. Here's a photo of us with my dearest nephew during her birthday last January.

For the winners of the blog hop, sorry for the delay in announcing. I've been having internet problems since the blog hop. I hope the winners are moms too and this could be a real nice surprise on this special day. :)

For the local winnder - it is Benga
For the International winnder - it is Cindy Gay
I have also posted the winners here at SC.

Please PM me your shipping address at

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! This is your BIG day!



  1. So pleased I was a blog hop winner. I am the mother of 2 boys and traveled to another state this morning to see my 85 year old mother.

    I heard a song today about the fear of wasting time.....that even when one is happy they fear they'll have to say goodbye.......sounds similar to the emotions you described above.

    Your Mother is beautiful too!

  2. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....



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