Sunday, August 2, 2009

Consulting work over the weekend

We (Gio and I) spent the weekend (Fri/Sat) in Tagaytay for a planning session. I conducted a short project planning workshop yesterday. We arrived in Tagaytay at almost 5 in the afternoon, stayed at this MC Mountain Home. So after settling for an hour or so, we headed over to starbucks first for a coffee break since the group have also finished most of their activity. It just frustrates me though to go to a coffee shop when I can't even have coffee! I've been experiencing nausea and vomitting the past week due to my acidity (i think) because I had my BP checked and it's normal. Anyway, after coffee we headed off to Latrubada for dinner. We love the Bulalo here so much! But my bones were aching from the cold! It was windy with fog in the air (car level) at 8 in the evening.
We joined the short talk from 9 to 11 then went straight to bed.

The next morning at around 830am, I did my project planning piece and finished at around noon. While we were packing I felt really sick. I can feel soreness all over my body and the cold is just getting into my bones. Because the food at the hotel was not good, we had lunch at Pancake House. Honey was so happy because he was craving for pancakes for the last 3 days. I drank paracetamol and calamsi juice there which made me feel sicker. :( Anyway, headed off home at 3 and we reached our house at 7pm! Gio was actually too annoyed already so I wasn't talking to him that much. But a 4-hour drive from Tagaytay would really piss anyone. I think I slept for an hour of the trip because I really feel sick. We took a hot batch immediately after dinner and had Shakey's pizza, chicken and chips and spaghetti (comfort food after a long day!)

Here's our pictures at pancake house.


  1. Love those photos!!!
    Great work, thanks for stopping at my blog!! Have a great weekend.

  2. Great photos I'm in braces right now too. It seems like it is taking forever for my teeth to move.



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